Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Let the Flowers Speak

Disclaimer: I was trained in high school to be able to pull stuff out of no where and twist it to sound somewhat good so just tell me if you think that's what I am doing at any point. :)
I don't know who renamed this blog "The Window Seat" but I love it. I want a window seat to be able to read in so very badly!! I always have. :)
So I have realized that I should have written more of my thoughts as I went along instead waiting until I have a lot of thoughts all piled up and probably won't remember all of them but oh well here goes nothing.
I have finished both Part 1 and 2 at this point in time. I got a big junk of it "read" thanks to the audio version i listened to on my trip to and from Ann Arbor! Books on "tape" what a wonderful invention. Sorry for the stream of consciousness just roll with it, my friends. 
At first I was a little weary of this book. Ok that's a lie. When I first picked up the book and read the description I was super excited! I love flowers and was excited at the thought of a book with them as a main character in a sense. When I first started reading it, however, I had a hard time getting into it because it seemed pretty slow and depressing but then I kept going and it got me hooked to want to know if this poor girl's life would turn around. 
This poor Victoria girl has oh so many problems. She's nuts. I don't blame her considering her life but phew baby she has some majorly messed up views of herself.
I really enjoyed the part when she finally had the realization that she wanted to be a florist. It was rather satisfying and almost relieving that she made a  definite decision that would help her to move on in her life. I guess this book is a classic journey of self discovery. Which is kind of where we all are in our lives. I guess the whole journey of life contains moments of discovering ourselves but right now is the prime time of establishing who we are and where we want to go with our lives. 
I feel like this book was simply about life and how life has it's ups and downs it has its good days and bad days. There are days where you want to run away  but some times all running away does is get you no where only farther away from where you are aiming to go and I think Victoria's problem was that she was nerve given the chance in her life to choose where she would aim to go and grow. So when she was given the freedom she didn't know how to handle it and therefore reverted to putting up walls so she wouldn't get hurt. 
I was mad at first when they were talking about yellow roses and how they mean sad things because yellow roses are one of my favorites because of some past experiences with them but then I decided it didn't matter what the book had to say I had my own meaning for yellow rose and I will stick with it.  
I like how in the end it's finally established that you have to work for love at  least I think that was established. I do like happy endings and I think this is as close to a happy ending as you can get with these characters.
I don't know what else to say. 
Em, I don't know how to help you appreciate the book. It's ok if you didn't like it. You're allowed to not like it. I don't think I would read it again or recommend it to others but overall I was glad to have read it. 


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